Gene Kramer has retired and is heading to the Carolina’s to be closer to his Grandchildren. Gene has been a valuable member in great standing and supported both the local events on the Chicago North, Chicago South and Milwaukee Tours as well as other cities during the winter months. He competed in many Majors as well as played in every National Championship since joining the Chicago Tour. He was also part of the Team Championship and provided a lot of points in the success of the team.
I recall when the little lefty first made his tour debut; he had a lot to learn about the game, rules and the golf swing. Gene was committed to being a better golfer and spent countless hours on lessons and even had his swing coach follow him at Golf Club of IL to see what areas he improved on and where he needed work in order to be a stronger competitor in tournament Golf.
I was unable to go back to his early beginnings, but here is what Gene has done from 2009 to present in the Senior Jones Flight (most local tournaments were combined with Sr. Jones & Jones):
2009: 15 Tournaments (Chicago North, South & Milwaukee), 2 Majors, Chicago Championship and Senior National Championship.
4 - 1st Place Finishes
5 – 2nd Place Finishes
5 – 2nd Place Finishes
3rd at TPC Deere Run Major
9th at Swan Lake Major
Senior National Championship (Missed the Cut which is no longer), played in consolation Championship
2010: 13 tournaments (Chicago North, South & Milwaukee), 2 Majors, Chicago Championship and Senior National Championship.
3 – 1st Place Finishes
4 – 2nd Place Finishes
1st Place at TPC Deere Run Major
1st Place at TPC Sawgrass Major
T4th Chicago Championship
3rd Place in the Senior National Championship
2011 (thus far):
2 Tournaments and one Major.
11th at the Winter Championship at Grand Cypress in Florida.
When the National Office decided to introduce a Player of the Month starting in 2011, it was an easy decision who deserved the first nomination; Mr. Gene Kramer. Gene will be missed and on behalf of the Chicago North Tour and its member's, we wish him the best and enjoy your retirement with your family. Don’t be surprised if you run into Gene down the road, he does plan on continuing with the tour once he gets settled at his new residence.
We wish you the best and you will be missed!!!
John & Linda Downey
Tour Director
Chicago Norhth & Milwaukee Tours
Wow - what an impressive list of accomplishments. Congrats on being player of the month and good luck in the Carolina's. My guess is that you'll be able to play lots of golf in between babysitting for the grandkids - good luck! Nancy